Full Pads Practice

And on the fifth day, there was Orientation.  None of that preliminary bullshit; the genuine article. Granted, the differences between Pre-Orientation and Orientation are apparent only to the discerning orientation connoisseur: we arrive our first Monday in Shanghai at the same auditorium at the same time in the morning.  Red Tea takes the mic.  Her … Continue reading Full Pads Practice

No Phone

After Pre-Orientation, Merlot and Zombie take us on a field trip.  We are finally going to get phones. My pre-game research into China was sporadic and mostly what scholars call “useless.”  Mostly, but not completely:  I did learn that the way to get a phone in China, with little fuss and a lot of flexibility, … Continue reading No Phone

Meeting Culture

On the second day of pre-orientation – what, you thought one was enough? – we finally meet some of the teachers who have taught at IK-12 before. We don’t meet them immediately, though.  First we have to survive another episode of the Red Tea Show.  Red Tea asks how we enjoyed yesterday’s session, which elicits … Continue reading Meeting Culture